Thursday, August 6, 2009

Young && Single?

So the main issue in my life right now is my relationship. I love my boyfriend to death, but i feel like I have been in meaningful relationship since i was like 17 years old and I am 21 now. I feel like there is a whole new me I need to get to know. The whole comming into adult hood thing. I havent focused on me 100% since i was a little girl (16/17-ish) && I feel like its time I found me! Dont get me wrong I love my man more than anything in the world he is the SWEETEST thing i have ever met spoils me, supports me, LOVES && MAKES LOVE to me. I couldnt ask to me meet a more lovely person i swear. Its just the want to be myself and do more things for and by myself. He doesnt feel that way but if you ask me WE both need to work on our selves seperately! Im just really torn in two different directions right now and its EXTRA HARD

Tuesday, August 4, 2009


&& ive been tearing my self apart lately thinking about getting a tattoo...&& being as tho i like to be different its looking like not having a tat is the way to go...I mean ppl are all copying off each other and celebrities like i dont want something on me someone else has on them so im thinking im not getting anything not to mention im not braggin but my skin is really nice i have hardly any scars on my body and none on my face not to mention ive never had a yea i think im staying Tat FREE babe!

Sunday, August 2, 2009

.She Back

OMG Where do i start lolz i have no idea life has taking all kinds of twist and turns some good some bad...and it crazy every single bit of it....I def got my new phone which is an i phone, I guess i can check && see if theres a blogspot app...&& its def time for a layout change i mean my one love in life shopping has gone no where but idk its just crazy....i am overly obsessed with twitter i can admit so if u have one request to follow me... lol im constantly updating! && facebook i guess im paying a little bit more attention to...I really wanna go on a vacay this summer but idk where no where close like NY or some shit i wanna change of fucking weather scenery && ppl lolz im think south beach but im really not sure...i still really wanna M.A.C i told my boyfriend that a Macbook was the only thing i wanted for christmas lolz so we will see if that happens.  My phone has transformed me into a apple instead of a dell. lolz but yea im going to try to update regularly again! So Stay tuned!